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Couples Counseling

Winter Couple

“Breaking routine and stepping out of what feels comfortable connects you to curiosity and discovery. So, ask yourselves, what is something new you can do together?”

- Esther Perel

​Welcome to a space where your journey toward a stronger, more connected relationship begins. Our couples counseling services provides a place where you and your partner can explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with curiosity and compassion. Here, you'll find the freedom to understand each other more deeply and discover new ways to communicate and connect.

Working together with a therapist offers the opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tools to navigate relationship challenges, achieve the changes you desire, and enhance your clarity and understanding of each other. 


Couples counseling can help improve your emotional connection, strengthen your communication skills, and develop healthier ways to resolve conflicts.

Our sessions incorporate common therapeutic practices tailored to your unique needs, including:


  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): Enhancing emotional bonds and addressing attachment issues.

  • Gottman Method: Building a foundation of trust and commitment while improving communication and conflict resolution skills.

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors that impact your relationship.

  • Imago Relationship Therapy: Understanding and transforming conflict into opportunities for healing and growth.

  • Mindfulness and Stress-Reduction Techniques: Enhancing self-awareness and reducing relationship stress.


In this safe and non-judgmental space, you'll have the opportunity to practice building a healthier relationship with clear boundaries and mutual respect. Our sessions are designed to support you both in overcoming obstacles and reaching your full potential as a couple.

Sometimes we fall into patterns, we grow distant, and we struggle to maintain the connection and intimacy that once brought us together.


It is common for relationships to change, enter into difficult chapters, and face adversity. Challenges can include:

  • Differences in beliefs, values, or goals

  • Raising children

  • Finances

  • Fertility 

  • Infidelity 

  • Family dynamics

  • Career changes or balance

  • Death

Couples Counseling: Intensives

Intensive couples counseling is a focused therapeutic approach designed to address and resolve deep-rooted relationship issues. This method involves extended sessions, allowing couples to delve deeply into their conflicts, communication patterns, and emotional dynamics with the guidance of a trained therapist. By creating a concentrated and immersive environment, intensive couples counseling aims to foster rapid progress and transformation, promoting long-term relational healing and growth. Couples can choose between 2 or 3-hour sessions, providing flexibility to accommodate specific needs and schedules.

Connect with a Therapist

Reach out to schedule a consultation 

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